On 03-15-23 Grays Harbor Sheriff's Office Detectives made phone contact with Rufus A Phelps III (04-07-60) and negotiated his peaceful surrender. Phelps was wanted in connection with the murder of a 59 -year-old Moclips man that was shot and killed on 03-13-23 in Moclips, Washington. Phelps turned himself into law enforcement in Seattle, Washington.
Detectives transported Phelps to the county jail where he will be booked for Murder 1st degree, Assault 2nd degree and Unlawful Possession of a firearm.
During this investigation, detectives have developed probable cause to arrest Phelp's son Rufus Andrew Phelps IV 06-02-90 as an accomplice to Murder 1st, Assault 2 and Unlawful possession of a firearm. If you see Phelps or know where he is located, please call 911. If you have information to provide, please call the non-emergency line 360-533-8765. You can email detectives at