Traffic along Pt. Brown Ave. will be reduced to a single lane from North Razor Clam Drive to Seagate Street. Delays of up to twenty minutes can be expected during the delivery of each girder as the trucks are directed into the South Razor Clam Bridge construction site.
South Razor Clam Drive will be closed to through traffic between Point Brown Avenue and Wawona Avenue for the delivery and placement of the girders. This work is scheduled between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM on September 7.
The trucks (with girders) will back down South Razor Clam Drive and queue up along the south side of this street awaiting offloading at the bridge site. Property owners and residents may expect some delays and limited driveway access during this period, however, every effort will be made to minimize the impacts to property owners and residents.
The City of Ocean Shores encourages motorists to use alternate routes during this work. Additionally, motorists and pedestrians should maintain a safe and respectable distance between themselves and the construction traffic, especially during this phase of the project. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this upcoming activity please feel free to contact Nathan Wilkerson at 360-940-7633.
The delivery and installation of the pre-cast concrete girders for the South Razor Clam Bridge is scheduled for September 7, 2017. A total of five (5) large concrete girders, each approximately 120 feet in length, will be delivered individually and set in place by two separate cranes.
The contractor’s plan for delivery is to bring the girders into the City on Point Brown Avenue and travel south to South Razor Clam Drive. As the trucks enter into Ocean Shores and navigate through the round-about, they may present a minor disruption in traffic flow but no significant impact is anticipated.