Improvements to Aberdeen streets are scheduled for
construction beginning the week of August 21, 2023. City of Aberdeen recently awarded two
separate projects to improve roadways in Aberdeen. The City awarded the A St & I St project to
Rognlin’s Inc., which is a reconstruction project on A St. from 1 st St. to 2 nd St. as well as on I
Street from 9 th St. to the entrance to Sam Benn Park. The second project was awarded to
Lakeside Inc. to complete the Grind and Inlay project on Park and Alder Streets from Heron St.
to State St., on Broadway St. from W Wishkah St. to State St, and on E Market St from E St. to
B St.
Project improvements for A St & I St consist of removing the existing concrete roadway,
installation of new road subgrade and asphalt pavement, new sidewalks, curb ramps, and
stormwater drainage. Work is scheduled to begin the week of August 21 and is anticipated to be
complete by the end of October.
Improvements for the Grind & Inlay project consist of grinding the existing surface of the roadway and installing new asphalt pavement and pavement markings. When completed, the work on E Market St will result in a modification to the lane configuration similar to what is in place west of the roundabout on Market St. Work on the Grind & Inlay project will typically be done after 6 PM to expedite the construction process. Minor work will be conducted before Labor Day with the grinding and new paving work scheduled for after Labor Day weekend. Most of the work will be completed within the first two weeks and final pavement markings will be placed in early October.
Each location will be fully or partially closed to traffic with flaggers and/or traffic control devices to safely route traffic during the construction activity. On street parking will be prohibited shortly before and during work planned or scheduled work. Once completed, this project will provide citizens with approximately 146,000 square feet of replaced driving surface.
Improvements for the Grind & Inlay project consist of grinding the existing surface of the roadway and installing new asphalt pavement and pavement markings. When completed, the work on E Market St will result in a modification to the lane configuration similar to what is in place west of the roundabout on Market St. Work on the Grind & Inlay project will typically be done after 6 PM to expedite the construction process. Minor work will be conducted before Labor Day with the grinding and new paving work scheduled for after Labor Day weekend. Most of the work will be completed within the first two weeks and final pavement markings will be placed in early October.
Each location will be fully or partially closed to traffic with flaggers and/or traffic control devices to safely route traffic during the construction activity. On street parking will be prohibited shortly before and during work planned or scheduled work. Once completed, this project will provide citizens with approximately 146,000 square feet of replaced driving surface.
Project funding for the A St & I St reconstruction project is provided completely through the
City’s Transportation Benefit District (TBD). Funding for the Grind & Inlay project is provided
principally through an Arterial Preservation grant managed by the Washington State
Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) with roughly a quarter of the construction cost funded
by the City’s TBD.
We appreciate your continued patience as we work to improve the City’s infrastructure. For your safety, please stay alert, watch for lane/channelization changes, and obey all construction signs and flagging personnel
For more information on these projects, please visit the City’s website at www.aberdeenwa.gov. Questions and comments regarding these projects can be directed to Nick Bird at (360) 537- 3218 orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
We appreciate your continued patience as we work to improve the City’s infrastructure. For your safety, please stay alert, watch for lane/channelization changes, and obey all construction signs and flagging personnel
For more information on these projects, please visit the City’s website at www.aberdeenwa.gov. Questions and comments regarding these projects can be directed to Nick Bird at (360) 537- 3218 or