Hoquiam Teens Go On Crime Spree, Causes Thousands In Damages.

A 13-year-old juvenile is in custody following a crime spree that he and several other teens went on that started around September 2nd, 2024. While the 13-year-old is the only one in custody at this time, the Hoquiam Police Department says that they believe the juveniles belong to residence or frequent on the east side of town that has been frequent to juvenile delinquent complaints.

According to Lt. Dayton with HPD said that On 09/02/24 at 0234 hours Hoquiam Officers were advised of trespass in the 400 block of 22nd. The RP advised he heard a noise coming from the downstairs bathroom. When he went to check and see what, he did not see anyone but found a group of juveniles standing in front of the residence. He believed the juveniles had entered his house through an open window and strewn his personal belongings around. The RP said he told the juveniles to get off his property and he would not call the police. The RP said the juveniles just taunted him. The RP advised he waited about twenty minutes before calling. When officers arrived, they were unable to locate the juveniles.


On 09/04/24 at 0232 hours Hoquiam Officers were dispatched to the area of 6th and Levee for a malicious mischief complaint. The complainant reported they were driving over the Riverside Bridge when a beer bottle had been thrown at their vehicle and busted the window. The victim said when they pulled over, they saw 3–4 subjects running east on Levee Street. Officer Deason had updated the responding units of the suspect description.

Officer Fernandez and Aberdeen PD’s Officer Mitchell saw a group of juveniles in the area of the 7th Street Theater. When they approached the group, they fled on foot. One of the suspects ran back towards him with Officer Fernandez hot on his heels. Officer Fernandez plays soccer in his off time, so this young lad was not getting away. Officer Fernadez caught the 13-year-old suspect and took him into custody. Upon searching the suspect’s person incident to arrest a black baclava face mask and a marijuana vape pen were found in his pocket. The juvenile suspect was transported to the juvenile detention center and booked for the crimes of malicious mischief 3rd degree, obstructing a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest, and minor in possession.

At 0458 hours Hoquiam Officers were dispatched to the Farmer’s market for a burglary complaint. In reviewing the video officers observed two subjects, one wearing a black baclava face mask, and the other wearing a black face mask had shattered the sliding glass door to gain entry. The suspects then smashed the cash register from Deidra’s deli and crammed the cash in their pockets. They proceed to Nancy’s Bakery where they smashed the cash register and stole the money out of it.

The video provided a good description of the suspects even though they were wearing masks. The clothing one of the suspects was wearing matched that of the juvenile who was at the time currently being transported to the juvenile detention center for breaking the vehicle window from earlier.

Of course this happens near shift change but luckily for us, we have experienced officers who do not take kindly to crime happening in the city. Sgt. Slater informed Sgt. Blundred at shift change of the evening events . Sgt. Blundred takes over for the day and begins the leg work of following up on the investigation. Sgt. Blundred is great investigator and quickly gets the second suspect identified as a 14-year-old juvenile who is a known associate of the juvenile suspect in custody.

At 0904 Officer Figg was dispatched to the 2400 block of Simpson for…. you guessed it another burglary complaint. The front door to Tienda Las Palmas had been smashed with a piece of wood. The victim said the video shows at 0452 the suspects broke the front door glass and make entry. They steal beer and Takis. We are still waiting for the video footage to see if it is the suspects from the previous incidents.

On 09/05/24 at 2053 hours, a mere 15 hours later after the 13-year-old suspect who was booked earlier, was now at the center of a theft investigation. Officers were dispatched to the 100 block of Lincoln Street for a theft complaint. The victim reported giving four juvenile males a ride across town. The victim later found her wallet had been stolen. The victim was able to locate the juveniles and called the police. To the amazement of Sgt. Slater, the 13-year-old suspect admitted to stealing the wallet. Lucky enough for us the 14-year-old suspect who had been identified by Sgt. Blundred earlier just happened to be with the 13-year-old suspect.

The 13-year-old was taken back into custody and charged with theft second degree. The 14-year-old suspect was arrested and for the burglary at Farmer’s Market. Both were transported to juvenile detention for booking.

We have had several reports of other broken windows in the area of these other crimes. We have a pretty good idea who is responsible for it and working diligently to positively identify the suspects and attempt to hold them accountable.

There has been a rise in juvenile complaints which direct us quite frequently to a residence on the east side of town. It has been a host to juvenile delinquents and a place where they congregate. We are drafting a letter to the residents and property owner to provide them a warning of chronic nuisance property based on

HMC 5A.95.020 contributing to the delinquency- In all cases where a person under the age of eighteen years engages in conduct which is prohibited by the ordinances of the city or the statutes of the state of Washington, the parent or parents, legal guardians, or persons, who, by any act or omission, encourages, causes or contributes to the commission of such violations of ordinance or statute by such person under the age of eighteen, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


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