Aberdeen - DV Suspect Arrested After 2 Hour Standoff Wednesday Morning.

Undersheriff Kevin Schrader with the Grays Harbor County Sheriffs Department says earlier this morning, August 21st, 2024 deputies were advised of a Domestic Violence Assault that occurred in the 2800 block of Olympic Hwy (SR 12) just outside of Aberdeen. The victim reported that her 48-year-old boyfriend had just assaulted her.

Deputies responded and noticed that the victim had substantial injuries from the assault, and were able to establish probable cause for the suspect's arrest on the charge of Felony Domestic Violence Assault 2nd degree.


When deputies attempted to contact the suspect, he barricaded himself in his tent and refused to come out. The suspect armed himself with a knife and told deputies that he would kill them or himself if they tried to enter the tent and arrest him.

Officers from the Aberdeen Police Department and the Montesano Police Department arrived at the scene to assist. Deputies and officers negotiated with the suspect for nearly two hours for his peaceful surrender. The suspect refused to surrender and made continuous threats to harm himself or the officers while being armed with a knife. Responding units used OC (pepper) spray to force the subject from the tent. The suspect ultimately surrendered and was taken into custody. He was booked into the Grays Harbor County Jail for Assault 2 Domestic Violence.

This was a great team effort by all the agencies involved and the responded units used great patience and techniques to encourage the suspect to surrender peacefully.


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