On January 31, 2024, after a Grays Harbor Drug Task Force (GHDTF) investigation into illegal drug dealing from a residence in the 1000 block of E. Market Street in Aberdeen, two people have been arrested. The Aberdeen Police Department, Hoquiam Police Department Narcotics K-9 Team, a City of Aberdeen Code Enforcement Officer and the City of Aberdeen Animal Control Officer assisted the GHDTF.
A 31 year old Aberdeen female was arrested and booked into the Grays Harbor County Jail for violation of the uniformed controlled substance act (VUCSA) Delivery of suspected fentanyl powder. A 31 year old Aberdeen male was also arrested on an Aberdeen Municipal Court warrant for Theft 3rd Degree and booked into the City of Aberdeen jail.
The GHDTF seized the following items at the residence during the search warrant:
Approximately 7.9 grams of suspect fentanyl powder
Approximately 27.5 grams of suspect methamphetamine
A small baggie of assorted unidentified pills
Over $300.00 in cash.
The investigation is ongoing and there may be more arrests and additional charges stemming from this incident.
The GHDTF is dedicated to investigating and arresting mid to upper level illegal drug dealers poisoning our community. If you have information on illegal drug operations in our community you are urged to contact our TIP LINE at 360-500-4141.