This is an overnight call catch up overnight call catch-up. Call Catch Ups are incidents that our team find that occurred overnight, and we go through our online recorded call audio from our GHScanner App Services. We listen to the audio and these are the details of the incident that we are able to gather. There has been no official press release as of writing this.
Overnight call catch up -Last night December 9th, around 8:40 PM WSP tried stopping a vehicle SR 12 westbound Keys RD going 80 in a construction zone. The vehicle had gone off the highway into Montesano via Monte Elma RD. Trooper tried stopping the vehicle, and it took off running through red light and had gotten back onto SR 12 headed eastbound. They were able to use spike strips on the vehicle, it continued on towards Elma. Subject bailed on foot SR 12 near the Elma ponds off Wenzel Slough RD into the brush. APD was requested and responded with their drone.
With the assistance of the drone, officers were able to locate the subject walking towards the airport. The subject was taken into custody at 9:51 PM.