This is an overnight call catch up overnight call catch-up. Call Catch Ups are incidents that our team find that occurred overnight, and we go through our online recorded call audio from our GHScanner App Services. We listen to the audio and these are the details of the incident that we are able to gather. There has been no official press release as of writing this.
Multiple agencies were dispatched for a structure fire around 3:43 Am in the 0 – 100 block of Oniel Rd that took several hours to put out.
The initial call advised that there were flames and fire coming from the front living room. Along with East Grays Harbor Fire, other agencies that responded or requested were GHFD2, Montesano Fire, Fire District 12, Fire District 1 Oakville as well as Mason County Fire.
As fire crews arrived, the home was fully engulfed. All 7 occupants were evacuated out of the residence safely.
Multiple tones and requests went out for mutual aid for tenders and water supply to get this fire under control.
A Helicopter for overhead water drop was also requested, later an excavator as well.
The fire was out, and in overhaul at 6:43 Am