Grays Harbor Fire District 5, along with multiple other agencies in the east and central county will be participating in a multiple casualty injury drills over the next few days Friday, October 13th and Saturday, October 14th.
Grays Harbor County Emergency Managment:
The Vertellus Performance Chemical Plant in Elma will be the main focus of a multi-day Hazardous Material exercise sponsored by the Grays Harbor Local Emergency Planning Committee, (LEPC). It will involve a hazardous material release triggered by an earthquake. Units from Grays Harbor Fire District # 5, Elma Fire, Grays Harbor Fire District #2, Grays Harbor Emergency Management, the Washington National Guard, Grays Harbor Community Hospital, Summit Pacific Hospital and Mason General Hospital in Mason County will participate with true patient movement. The Vertellus Plant will simulate damage to their system pipeline with injuries to personnel. Their goals plant shutdown procedures, product containment, personnel treatment and transport to the hospital. Area hospitals will exercise their ability to manage and triage an overwhelming number of patients impacted by the event.
The exercise will take place on Friday, October 13th and Saturday, October 14th. You may notice staging of equipment at various places throughout the county, as well as military and civilian vehicles, fire apparatus and ambulances driving from the Vertellus site and Grays Harbor Fire District #2 to area and regional hospitals.
The exercise provides another opportunity for numerous local and regional agencies to interact with National Guard units. The Grays Harbor County LEPC is extremely pleased that the Vertellus Performance Chemicals plant in Elma, stepped forward and requested to be the focus of the exercise, which will test and enhance numerous emergency and response plans throughout the region