Grays Harbor Scanner has an update thanks to the share from KBKW on an incident we first posted on our Facebook Page that started off with a shotgun being fired at a man in Westport Wednesday evening.
standoff on a Grayland beach ended with the death of a Westport woman last week. Grays Harbor Coroner Lane Youmans said in a press release that the woman who died during a 16-hour standoff with multiple agencies on Thursday has been identified as 52-year-old Dena L. Canwright, of Westport. Her family has been notified.
Undersheriff David Pimentel with the Grays Harbor County Sheriff’s Department said that his deputies were assisted by troopers from the Washington State Patrol, agents from the Washington State Parks Department, and officers from the Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Montesano, and Westport police departments during the overnight incident.
See the rest of this story here http://kbkw.com/standoff-grayland-beach-ends-death-westport-woman/
This information and article Courtesy of