Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and Cosmopolis Police Departments are still taking applications for a few more days and we have room for a couple more people. This is open to all residents of Grays Harbor. We are starting January 7 and go through March 24th. All the information is below. Thank you.
The Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and Cosmopolis Police Departments are proud to announce the 2nd annual West County Citizen’s Academy starting January 7, 2020. This Citizen’s Academy is being offered at no expense to the attendees.
The purpose of the Citizen’s Academy is to expose our residents to some of the interesting aspects of law enforcement and the local criminal justice system here in Grays Harbor. The courses are designed to give citizens a unique insight and experience into what law enforcement does every day serving our communities.
Citizens will hear from law enforcement officers, dispatchers, prosecutors, judges and crime lab technicians as well as visit E911 Dispatch, see a police canine demonstration and spend a little time on a police range learning about firearm safety.
We hope the Academy will allow citizens to share in public service and learn about the challenges and demands associated with law enforcement. It is also designed for citizens to learn the reasons why police officers respond to various situations in a particular way and how they ultimately handle these situations.
We believe the Academy experience will be a pleasant introduction to the local criminal justice system and its role in our society. Citizens will gain a greater understanding of police patrol and investigative procedures as well as learn some techniques used in addressing crime in our communities.
Classes will start January 7th and will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at the Harbor City Church, 1700 Cherry Street, Aberdeen. There will also be a number of Saturday classes held for attendees to participate in some hands-on law enforcement activities. The academy is approximately 12 weeks long.
Applicants to the Citizen’s Academy must be at least 18 years of age, have no significant criminal record, and be available to attend the overall Academy course schedule. Applications are available at the Aberdeen, Hoquiam or Cosmopolis Police Department stations or available online at www.aberdeenwa.gov or www.cityofhoquiam.com. The class is limited to 30 students.
For specific questions about the Citizen’s Academy, please contact Aberdeen PD Lieutenant Dale Green at