Grays Harbor Scanner will be shutting down its Broadcastify feeds that it has fed and ran for over 15 years on Monday, January 7th. But do not worry, we will still have our online scanners available for free monitoring to the public through our own Iphone and Android App GHScanner, just not through Broadcastify or any of the cell phone apps that take their feeds and publish as their own.
In December it was brought to our attention that the public does not see the online scanners that we have pushed out and broadcasted for over 15 years as being done by us, GHscanner. Broadcastify wile a great service relays the online feeds that we put out there to the public to listen to. They charge for extended services such as access to the audio archives, extended play times and other features.
GHS had started a move several months ago adding private server feeds to power the players on its own website for stability and control. The website players on ghscanner.com and in our new app GHScanner will remain up and available for public use at no charge and users will see no change there.
The biggest change that users will see is that we will not be listed in the ScannerRadio App or other scanner radio apps "Other than our own GHscanner App".
This is a service provided by us, not by anyone else and has been provided by us for over 15 years.
Grays Harbor Scanner has been testing and working hard on developing its own app GHScanner that is available now on Android and iTunes iPhones as an app. The online scanners are the free portion of the app and will remain free for public use.
We are constantly working on adding updates to our service and hope that with the new supporter/subscriber feature of the app we will be able to grow and use funds to put up new online scanners such as South Beach and Tokeland area fire, North County Fire and a dedicated WSP Feed.
We are sure this will cause some temporary complaints while people make the change over to our app, however, our staff remains committed to providing a quality and safe experience for everyone.
GHS had started a move several months ago adding private server feeds to power the players on its own website for stability and control. The website players on ghscanner.com and in our new app GHScanner will remain up and available for public use at no charge and users will see no change there.
The biggest change that users will see is that we will not be listed in the ScannerRadio App or other scanner radio apps "Other than our own GHscanner App".
This is a service provided by us, not by anyone else and has been provided by us for over 15 years.
Grays Harbor Scanner has been testing and working hard on developing its own app GHScanner that is available now on Android and iTunes iPhones as an app. The online scanners are the free portion of the app and will remain free for public use.
We are constantly working on adding updates to our service and hope that with the new supporter/subscriber feature of the app we will be able to grow and use funds to put up new online scanners such as South Beach and Tokeland area fire, North County Fire and a dedicated WSP Feed.
We are sure this will cause some temporary complaints while people make the change over to our app, however, our staff remains committed to providing a quality and safe experience for everyone.