Expect hot weather and high fire danger over western Washington through midweek


Strong high pressure aloft with low level offshore flow will 
result in well above normal temperatures through midweek. Expect 
more record or near record highs during this time frame. The 
hottest day for most areas will be on Tuesday, when temperatures 
will soar into the upper 80s to upper 90s. In other words, highs 
will be about 15 to 20 degrees above normal. 

The greatest health impact from the heat will be in areas that 
will experience the least cooling at night. Lows are only 
forecast to be in the 60s on the higher hills and in places such 
as the I-5 corridor from Everett to Federal Way. Elsewhere, min 
temperatures in the 50s will provide a better break from the 

During hot spells, those without air conditioning, the elderly, 
and those who engage in prolonged activities outdoors are more 
vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. Stay hydrated and seek air 
conditioned places during hot spells. 

Conditions were abnormally dry due to below normal rainfall this 
summer. This has resulted in a high fire danger. The grasses and 
brush were quite dry, which means that they will easily catch 
fire. Avoid throwing cigarette butts out of vehicles, dragging 
tow chains on the ground, and parking in tall grass. 

 Expect more record or near record highs during this time frame. The hottest day for most areas will be on Tuesday

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