This is an overnight call catch up - thanks to tips to the page from supporters we are able to go back on our recorded scanner audio and listen to calls that occurred overnight or when we are not online. GHS does not always have 24/7 coverage and on occasion will do an Overnight call catch up. This is not an official press release from any agency.
Overnight call catch up - no press release on this yet but according to our recorded scanner radio traffic around 1138 pm last night in the 500 block Willow street there wa a call for a male subject that said someone tried to kill him so he shot at him 2 times unknown if he hit him or not
Officers, after arriving and checking the scene, advised to cancel EMS, not needed no outstanding persons.
both Aberdeen and Hoquiam Officers responded to this call.
This morning hearing one officer back out at the scene, and area on follow up.
Once we get an official press release we will post it.