Just before 2 AM at 0150 an Elma officer received a dispatch call for a shoplift that was later reclassified as a burglary at the Elma Thriftway. A male suspect had gone into Thiftway wearing blue jeans, t-shirt, and a ski mask. He had a hatchet and was trying to get into the ATM inside of Thoftway (unsuccessfully) then left with cigarettes, alcohol and with a duffle bag he had came in with.
Officers from Montesano, County, and a K9 unit were out searching for the suspect. The search for the suspect was stopped about 2:45 AM. A Montesano officer spotted a door open at the high school gym and it was then searched with nothing found.
Officers cleared.
This is an incident catch up from tips and call audio, not an official press release from any agency.
Thanks to questions into the page overnight asking about multiple officers in the city of Elma last night before 2 AM we have that answer from our online scanner recorded audio files.