After being alerted to an early morning incident by a co-worker we went ahead and went through our recorded scanner broadcast audio to bring you this update. This is not an official update, from any agencies involved.
Around 2:00 AM County Deputies were dispatched to reported shots fired in the 0 - 100 block of Melbourne St. The individuals shot at had pulled into a driveway/residence (as it sounds) and were fired upon. They fled, with the suspect chasing them southbound on US 101 from MP 92. The suspect then turned around and went northbound, with the victims now in pursuit. The chase went down Dekay Road, then switched around again. The victims pulled over at Ocean Beach RD MP 5 with the suspect vehicle, a black Dodge Charger with dealer plates continued southbound on Ocean Beach RD. The victim's vehicle window appeared to have been shot out by a paintball or pellet gun according to radio traffic. From radio traffic, it did not appear that the suspect / suspects were apprehended as of 3:00 AM